jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013


Yo soy IGNACIO ALLENDE fui general mexicano nací en san miguel el grande en 1779.prepare el movimiento insurrecional con el cura hidalgo.  Sabia como aprovechar el momento y las personas que tenia a su alrededor para lograron sus metas
Asumi las responsabilidades de la campaña como general del jefe


Soy don miguel hidalgo y costilla sacerdote mexicano iniciador de la independencia conocida el padre de la patria nací el 8 de mayo de 1753 en el rancho San Vicente hacienda del corralejo tenia veintiun años estudioso y virtuoso
Hablaba de sus exitos
Cuando sus ingresos fueron mayores estando en san felipe organisaba comidas bailes y teatros


Yo soy jose maria morelos y pavón patriota mexicano nací en Valladolid (morelia) fui sacerdote de la guerra de independencia   tengo Estrategias militares muy fuertes mi estatura es de 1.62m era robusto ademas de eso
Hidalgo se burlaba de mi yo era
Humilde trabaje de herrero desde los 14 años

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


The culture olmeca inhabit in carth fertile allied with the sun the water and them volcanos
His deity is the jaguar
His pieces archeologic
Work jade stone and mud


The culture maya is development in mexico appear in large cities as Campeche Yucatan Tabasco Quintana Roo actual status Belice Guatemala Honduras
The chronology approximately 2000 a.c ----1546 d.c
The localization in mesoamerica

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

First stage of Mexico

Napoleon said the first stage: two morelos and conquistariamos the world

The second stage: CONFIRMATION OF MOVEMENT 1812-1815

and third stage: 1810-1817 CONSUMMATION

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Starts with major mismatches

With the imbalances that were subject to the old law causing complaints including the Jesuits, among the Jesuits was Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

It got to the beginning of the century

Carlos ll last king of the House of Habsburg died without direct desendencia and will remain at the throne of Philip V of Anjou Borbon

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

What was life in Nueva España?

In Nueva España had profound inequalities. The society of that time was deeply divided by the privileges of the various groups that made ​​up:
The PENINSULARES ie those born in Spain, they migrated to these lands and occupied important positions in the government

Known as the "father of the nation"

Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla also known as THE FATHER OF THE NATION
He and his followers began the fight to make New Spain became independent from Spain

The morning of September 16, 1810

In this battle involving peasants artisans and indigenous workers in haciendas mines Creole slaves and mestizos

Independence of Mexico

"The pardon is for criminals
Not for the defenders of the fatherland "
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (1753-1811) Jesuit priest and Mexican-independence leader